I have never kayaked before, but I thought it would be a great way to cross mild bodies of water to more remote spots for camping, fishing, and hiking. I want to know what would be the best type of kayak to buy; one I could pack stuff in with me, how inflatable compares with other types.. etc.. etc.. Again, as a beginner, I wouldn’t be doing any extreme kayaking, not yet anyway. I would use it to allow me mobility on water from one place to another with outdoor gear. Thanks for reading!
Tag Archives: Purchasing
Can someone give me advise on purchasing a Kayak?
New to kayaking. Im looking for a tandem kayak that is affordable, I will be using it for mostly fishing. I am just having trouble finding a used and/or affordable one. I cant see myself spending over $700 on basically a hull… I have looked at the pelican elite but i havent seen any reviews on the elite series and its not really made for fishing. I also am not that worried about tracking I paddled 7 miles on a $100 inflatable and Im sure anything is better than an inflatable,not to mention hook resistant. And what is better sit on top or sit in? Thanks…..
i intend purchasing a sea kayak and would like some advice please.?
I will be using it for fishing, touring/camping trips and also to go snorkelling from. I am undecided but do like the look of the Wilderness Systems Tarpon 120 and the Ocean Kayak Prowler 13 Angler. I am leaning towards the Prowler. Any suggestions please?