What do I need to go fishing from my kayak in Portland, OR?

I have a kayak and head out on the Columbia, Willamette and Sauvie Island (river and lakes) a lot. A friend gave me a collapsible “fish pen” rod. Can I just bait it with bits of raw chicken and let ‘er rip? Do I need a license? Are there places where I don’t need one? If I actually catch something can I just beat it to death on the side of the boat, take it home and cook it, or is there a more refined method? Sorry to be so blunt but, as you can see, I am new at this. Tried to read the regs but they are sooooo complicated. I”m not after a marlin with my fish pen. Is there an easy answer for what I can catch and keep?

2 thoughts on “What do I need to go fishing from my kayak in Portland, OR?

  1. donmccoy63 Post author

    Regardless of where you are fishing in that area, you will need a licence.

    I would recommend you check with one of the fishing shops up there in Portand, and ask what they rocommend you use in those areas- probably artificial lures would be the best. They can also help you naviagte the regulations- yes, they are confusing, but not understanding them will not get you out of a citation, so if you don’t understand, make sure to ask.

    If its legal to keep the fish (and it may not be right now, many places are closed for certain fish to protect steelhead and salmon runs) But if you can, I would recommend you keep the fish alive as long as you can on a stringer or such in the water til you get home and can clean and cook it.

    So far as an easy answer, I’m sorry, but ask for some help to understand the regs where you are fishing. What you can and can’t keep depends on which river, lake or stream you are fishing, and when.

    Good luck!

  2. Blazer 1 Post author

    Well, first of all, get a real fishing rod!!!!

    Of course you need a license…that is standard ANYWHERE.

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