4 thoughts on “do i need a fishing license to saltwater fish from a kayak in sc?”
mike cPost author
yes in the boat, from shore north of the myrtle beach bridge is considered saltwater.
programmgr1Post author
yes, check out the site below.
Josh TPost author
To salt-water fish you’ll need a freshwater stamp and saltwalter stamp.
Ken PPost author
yes, a kayak in sc is considered a water craft in sc therefore a salt water liscenses is required, a flotation device such as a jacket or vest is also required in your possesion. the rules on a kayak doesnt very much from a boat. scdnr has all the rules on line. on the beach no licenses is required. although check your hand book on this.
yes in the boat, from shore north of the myrtle beach bridge is considered saltwater.
yes, check out the site below.
To salt-water fish you’ll need a freshwater stamp and saltwalter stamp.
yes, a kayak in sc is considered a water craft in sc therefore a salt water liscenses is required, a flotation device such as a jacket or vest is also required in your possesion. the rules on a kayak doesnt very much from a boat. scdnr has all the rules on line. on the beach no licenses is required. although check your hand book on this.