I frequently kayak in waterways filled with everything form large ships to small boats and jet skis. I know the obvious: kayak whistle, lights at night, avoid busy channels when possible, etc. What I’m wondering is, what is the best way to take aggressive defensive measures when I’m about to be mowed down by a mullet headed jackass with a beer coozy in one hand, fishing pole in the other and his knee on the helm of a motor boat, who is aimed right at me but isn’t looking or listening? How can I even the odds and create a visible, potentially destructive deterrent, so those idiots will avoid me?
this is going to sound weird but put a flag on a pole on the top of ur kayak. That way u will be visible to boats that are higher than u and mabye ot paying attention to the water
mount a cannon atop your stern
dont get on it
I don’t know, but I seen that movie from the 70s called “Frogs” and this was Sam Elliot before he look older. In the beginning of the movie, he was in a canoe and a power boat made him fall out.
Good luck.
I once read that a man had a similar problem in traffic with a small car. He painted a sign that read ‘Danger dynamite’ in red letters. Had no trouble then. Perhaps a brighter color to your Kayak, with a loud fog horn to let the crazies know your are coming through.
how about an air horn and also some sort of lazer pointer?
Bright boat, bright paddle blades. A bicycler’s flag (the little orange triangle on a fiberblass pole) might help … then again it might not.
In Texas, you can always write down the boat’s registration number and call it in to a gamewarden. A citation for reckless operation, failure to keep a proper lookout or a violation of the Sportsman’s Rights Act usually gets their attention. Most states have similar laws — check wtih your fish and game conservation agency (often the department of natural resources or some such) or marine safety enforcement agency (sometimes the aforementioned, sometimes part of the state troopers — I’ve included a link to find them for your state).
If you have a fishing rod, a 3/4 oz lead weight often will get their attention (if they’re close enough for you to hit ’em, they were too d*mned close). Failing that, two words: potato cannon.
Good luck and stay safe!