I am thinking about buying a kayak to use for fishing in canals esturies and open sea, I have heard bad things about BULLSHARKS and kayaking in canals, esturies, But it is something i really want to do, and the odds of getting attacked on a kayak are pretty slim I think, WHAT would you say!!! all answers greatly appreciated
you won’t know unless you try right so go do it if its something that you really want to do and have fun.
Help me answer my question please: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjjuCAgjAmUmB1aFYtgkBQ7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090816025158AAcTQNV
go for it. i do it a lot. get an ocean type two seater. sharks dont attack kayaks. if you catch fish do not hang them in the water, carry a cooler.wear a life vest and carry an extra paddle. great fun.