Kayak Stake Out Poles are a very useful accessory for your fishing kayak. They are also termed anchor stick, stick it, push pole (with the proper handle), and dig stick. The purpose of it is to keep your kayak in the same place in shallow water. They are only good for shallow water though, as they are usually less than 6 feet in length. The principal is pretty simple, just stab it into the mud, sand, rock, whatever type of bottom you are over, and tether it to the kayak. You can then stay in the boat to fish an area, or use the stake out pole to keep your boat in the same spot while you go for a walk on the island or shoreline.
Some useful ways of attaching your kayak stake out pole are through an anchor trolley, using an anchor rope, sticking it through a scupper hole, or through the carry handle on the front. Any of these ways work, some better than others. Using an anchor trolley is my preferred method. This helps you angle the kayak with the current and wind, to ensure the stake out pole is going to stick in the bottom, without being tugged out. The next best method, but is hard to do while on the boat, is through the carry handle. This usually places the tension lower on the stakeout pole, helping it stick to the bottom.
The anchor rope tied to the kayak and the stake out poles is almost unreliable. When the wind and current pick up, it is going to cause the kayak to bounce against the stakeout pole. Eventually this will pull the fishing kayak away, and if you aren’t in it, you are going to swim after your boat. It is still used though, because you can easily store 7′-10′ of anchor rope anywhere on your kayak.
If you are using a sit on top fishing kayak, your boat comes with scupper holes, or holes through the boat to allow for water drainage. Find a stake out pole that is small enough diameter to fit through this hole on your kayak. This is by far the most secure of the methods used, but if lacks control in the direction of the boat. If you have scuppers far enough forward, or aft, you can use it in the same manner that you would an anchor trolley, but you must make sure your fishing kayak is stable before you start climbing to the front of it.
Kayak stake out poles are useful for kayak fishing. They are also relatively cheap, and easy to build. Stay tuned for a tutorial on building your safety light / stakeout pole / day flag!