The Pelican Pursuit 140 DLX was slightly modified for 2009. We are going to cover the 2008 models, and earlier in this article. These are the models that are typically found at Dicks Sporting Goods, Sports Authority, Walmart even, and other big box department stores. Most people think that these line of kayaks look cheap, so they must be cheap. This isn’t the case, for any of the models. You do get what you pay for however. These kayaks do what they are supposed to, and last a long time .. they just aren’t as pretty as the day you bought them!
Pelican Pursuit 140 DLX Specifications
Length: 14 Feet
Beam (Width): 28 Inches
Cockpit Depth: 14 Inches
Cockpit Width: 17.5 Inches
Cockpit Length: 45 Inches
Weight: 57 Pounds
Capacity: 450 Pounds
Pelican Pursuit 140 DLX Overview
At 14 feet long, this kayak is one of the faster boats in the Pelican lineup. Boats of this length typically do not need a rudder, and that is exactly the case with the Pursuit 140 DLX. However, Pelican has thrown in a drop down skeg to help keep the boat in a straight line. The way that the skeg is setup, allows it to fold up if you are to encounter something on the bottom. Rudders usually snap off, I have broken a few! The molded seat, adjustable foot pegs, and adjustable padded backrest are almost expected on kayaks nowdays, but Pelican has done a nice job, and these kayaks require only a few modifications to make them fishermen friendly.
Pelican Pursuit 140 DLX Storage
The storage hatch on the rear of the boat is typical Pelican. The first time that you use this hatch, you are going to flip the boat. Everything in the boat with you is going to go in the water. You are better off taking a hacksaw to this section of the boat, and opening it up for a little more storage. Maybe even fitting a nice neoprene cover over it, like a spray skirt. I don’t understand why they put these useless hatches on these boats. Pelican has at least thrown in a dry bag that fits well into the hatch, at most stores. If the store you are at doesn’t include this, ask for it. They will probably try to charge you more! Be careful!
Pelican Pursuit 140 DLX Accessories
The bungees on the boat are nice for tie downs, but they make noise when you are storing your paddle. It typically bangs against the boat, causing a slight vibration. If you are using them to strap down a tent, or a bigger dry bag however, they will work sufficient. I usually sacrifice them for leashes, and other tie downs, because we all know that Pelican doesn’t like to give us tie down options!
Pelican Pursuit 140 DLX Real World Test
The real world test was decent. I began the day on a shaky start. With this boat being 28 inches wide, and 14 feet long, its a bit tippy. You get used to it though, pretty quick. Once I got paddling, I realized that this boat is fast. It drifts very smooth at the end of your stroke, and doesn’t do the tail wiggle, especially with the skeg down. I did have a wet lap though, which could be more attributed to the paddle I was using. I normally stuff cotton balls on the end of the paddle, to cure the drips. I ended the day trying to reach back and use the useless hatch, while still in the water. Over I went. Unlucky for myself, and you readers out there, the camera was destroyed. The Pelican Pursuit 140 DLX is a very good entry level rec kayak, that can easily be converted to a kayak fishing setup!