Hello. I am 15 years old and i was just given a kayak. I am slowely turning it into a fishing kayak and wondering if i should invest in a fishfinder. This is the fishfinder that i am looking at. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_58748____SearchResults#reviews
Also i am not sure how to install this. What kind of battery am i going to need?? Also i think there is something that sticks to the bottom of my boat if i get a fishfinder. is that going to get ripped off??
Seeing as as times, the kayak is prone to flipping, I would not install something as pricey as a fish finder.
I,m not sure it would be a good idea, it doesn’t mention that it’s waterproof.
You will also need a 12 volt battery on board somewhere.
I really wouldn’t recomend it especially not a full size unit. you will have the unit it’s self, a 12 volt battery and a transducer (mounted on underside) It can be done. Look into this unit, its somewhat portable and can also run off of like 6 D cell batts.
I am planning on turning my kayak into a fishing kayak too, but I am not getting a fish finder and I am 17 ha ha. All you need is a five or seven amp battery. Here’s a link to one so you can see the price range:
Then you need to figure out how to get the transducer on the kayak. There are two ways I know how to do this, one is the foam way and another is by attaching the transducer to a suction cup.
The transducer mount:
If you attach the transducer with the mount above then it may get ripped off, but by using a suction cup you can take it off the kayak whenever you want so you can avoid getting it ripped off. Also if you need help installing it check youtube out they have some great videos. Whatever happens good luck!!
I have a fishfinder on my fishing kayak and wouldn’t have it any other way. The transducer is mounted in closed cell foam between my feet and shoots a beam through the hull. The battery is a sealed lead acid unit and is kept in the waterproof hatch in the stern. The screen is on the deck just forward of the hatch. The boat is equipped with 2 rod holders for trolling and a paddle leash for safety and convenience. I considered a live well for bait but decided against it because most of my fishing is on waters where live bait is illegal. Look on youtube for installation demonstrations.
Trevor, by all means get a fishfinder, do more research though. google kayak blogs that pertain to the area you are going to fish.Talk to the guys, find out there reasons why
Here on the west coast , where launching is done in the surf, fishfinders should be waterproof, as well as the battery case, if any and many guys use a suction cup transponder as well because when going out and comeing in, you could scrape it right off the bottom of your yak.
If fishing in calm waters, then lead acid or matt gel batteries are the way to go. rough water you might want something else.
Here is a directory of kayak discussion boards
I would get a portable fish finder.