The best place for calmness and the beauty of nature? And/or the best place to fish with a kayak? (where boats can’t go) And/or a river that flows nicely?
The best place for calmness and the beauty of nature? And/or the best place to fish with a kayak? (where boats can’t go) And/or a river that flows nicely?
Huron river around Ann Arbor
The Muskegon River is a popular place for canoeing and kayaking. There are sections of it that are beautiful, quiet and wooded and it is easy to find canoe & tube rental places, and I would assume kayaks, too. Years ago I went on a trip from the Happy Mohawk Canoe Livery down a beautiful stretch of river — you might want to try Googling it. I also enjoy kayaking on many of the smaller lakes in the northern Lower Peninsula; consider renting a cottage 🙂