I bought a kayak for fishing a year or so ago, and I absolutely love it. I’m convinced there’s no more productive, more enjoyable, or more relaxing way to fish.
Are you a kayak fisher also? What’s in your outfit? Tell me what type of kayak you have, what tackle setup you use, your methods, what fish you normally target, and what gadgets have helped you out.
I’m especially interested in fishfinders on kayaks (I don’t yet have one), but please tell all!
You got the Kayak bug! I understand that. I had the bug myself until someone stole the yak from my back yard. Now I’m just miserable all the time because I can’t get to some of my really hot spots. I’ll be back soon enough…if all goes well this year. It would do you good to look into YouTube for some rigging tips for anchors and electronics. I learned a lot there and came up with some of my own designs. For now, I’m just walking around the shore line doing my thing. Any one want a Florida Orange? Regs my way know what I mean. ~good luck catchin’.