Should I be worried about sharks bothering me when kayak fishing around Auckland?

5 thoughts on “Should I be worried about sharks bothering me when kayak fishing around Auckland?

  1. chris w Post author

    Famous quote from the movie “Jaws”;

    “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”

    you decide

  2. bigbec Post author

    Define worry, after a while you wont worry, but fear for your life. Ok im joking it depends all sharks are different, conditions change, and reactions and behavior may bring them quite close, where you will worry, but pay attention and remember you have an oar and can use it.

  3. Aiden Post author

    i fish around the auckland region and i target sharks so yes there are sharks but the thing is i do everything to attract them so as long as you make sure you quickly kill any fish you want to keep, dont use berley (aka chum) if possible, and just think before you do something (ask yourself would this attract a shark? ie big baits etc) but over all the sharks i have caught while fishing in the inshore waters haven’t been to big and are generally boat shy so you shouldnt have to worry but remember if one does bother you just relax and stay calm and move away quietly.

  4. James W Post author

    There are some reported unprovoked shark attacks on kayakers. There are also videos and pictures of sharks showing great interest on kayaker(s) all over the net. The number of shark attacks on kayakers are far less than the number of sharks taken from a kayak though.

    Here’s the most famous pic involving a shark and a kayaker:

    Here’s a similar incident which took places in New Zealand:

    This vid was taken in Australia.

    Like winning the lottery, the chances of being bothered by sharks are slim but the possibilities are out there. 🙂

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5 thoughts on “Should I be worried about sharks bothering me when kayak fishing around Auckland?

  1. chris w Post author

    Famous quote from the movie “Jaws”;

    “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”

    you decide

  2. bigbec Post author

    Define worry, after a while you wont worry, but fear for your life. Ok im joking it depends all sharks are different, conditions change, and reactions and behavior may bring them quite close, where you will worry, but pay attention and remember you have an oar and can use it.

  3. Aiden Post author

    i fish around the auckland region and i target sharks so yes there are sharks but the thing is i do everything to attract them so as long as you make sure you quickly kill any fish you want to keep, dont use berley (aka chum) if possible, and just think before you do something (ask yourself would this attract a shark? ie big baits etc) but over all the sharks i have caught while fishing in the inshore waters haven’t been to big and are generally boat shy so you shouldnt have to worry but remember if one does bother you just relax and stay calm and move away quietly.

  4. James W Post author

    There are some reported unprovoked shark attacks on kayakers. There are also videos and pictures of sharks showing great interest on kayaker(s) all over the net. The number of shark attacks on kayakers are far less than the number of sharks taken from a kayak though.

    Here’s the most famous pic involving a shark and a kayaker:

    Here’s a similar incident which took places in New Zealand:

    This vid was taken in Australia.

    Like winning the lottery, the chances of being bothered by sharks are slim but the possibilities are out there. 🙂

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